Gynaecology Services
Recognizing the rise of health issues and timely healthcare requirement we ensure to provide well timed
services from the most prominent specialists. We are well equipped to provide women with comprehensive
health care ranging from antenatal and postnatal care, general gynaecology, infertility services, to screening for
other gynaecological related issues.
We have Dr. Manju Joseph, extend her expertise and valuable services, attending to polycystic Ovarian diseases,
menstrual abnormalities, non-surgical gynaecological cases, reproductive tract infections, pelvic organ
prolapses, infertility management cases and other pregnancy related inconveniences.
She serves as the assistant professor at Kothamangalam Nangelil Ayurveda College. A post-graduate in
Prasutitanthra ,from SDM Ayurveda College, Udupi, she has been into gynaecological practice since 2014.